Happy Holidays!
Sean Gareau
Happy Holidays HMBA Members!
Did you all have a great year of cycling in 2024? We hope so!
This past year was busy for our HMBA community. We hired an Executive Director, invested in major boardwalk repairs on our Happy Creek trail, upgraded our Lower Bighorn trail, hosted ‘Virtual Enduro Races’, held our first annual ‘September Social’, purchased trail-building tools for volunteer maintenance nights… and now we are back to winter trail grooming and Growler event planning!
Another major event that HMBA is preparing for is our annual executive ‘Strategic Planning’ workshop. At the beginning of each year, our elected Board of Directors meet to review our ‘Strategic Plan’, measure our successes, and make adjustments. As a result, our elected executive group wants to hear from YOU before they meet in 2025! Click the link below to provide your feedback by completing this 3-minute member survey. This survey closes on January 9th, 2025 and your feedback will help guide our executive decision-making this upcoming year - and beyond.
HMBA Annual Member Survey
Thanks for supporting our HMBA community and taking the time to provide your member feedback. We look forward to seeing you at a weekly ‘Winter Group Ride’ or at our February ‘Growler’ event - registration is now open online!