Sprockids in Hinton
We are so happy to announce that SPROCKIDS is back Fall 2023!! Check out the registration opening September 8, 2023!
Courses will be from 6pm to 7pm Tuesdays and Thursdays starting September 12, 2023
What is Sprockids? Please read below and be sure to check out the main Sprockids web site for more info. www.sprockids.com
Any other questions? Please
Sprockids Mission Statement:
“Through the sport of mountain biking young people will have the opportunity to develop the skills, values, and strategies that will guide them throughout their lives and enable them to succeed in school and in life.”
Upcoming Dates
OUR Supporters
Thank you to all our Hinton Spockids supporters!
Sprockids was originally developed in 1990 as ;a Self Esteem/Anger Management Program to help students succeed in school. Since then, Sprockids has evolved into a multi-faceted program engaging thousands of young people in the life long activity of mountain biking while teaching them the skills, values, and strategies to succeed in life. The program is now used in over 19 countries by teachers, coaches, cycling clubs, youth organizations, law enforcement agencies, and parents. The Sprockids Program was designed with input from; educators, national level coaches, trail builders, professional athletes, and program implementation consultants.
Sprockids is based on the following principles:
A fun way to develop a taste for cycling through cycling games and activities that are facilitated by a competent rider.
The needs of young people to seek strong sensations and to discover new ways to play, while developing personality.
Recognition of achievements of individual skills and group participation through the Sprockids Passport of Accomplishment.
Sprockids program teaches:
How to mountain bike
How to maintain your bike
Environmental stewardship
Trail safety and trail building
“... I wasn’t sure what to expect going in with a kid on a run bike. But WOW, you blew my socks off! The energy and buzz, amazing number of coaches and kids involved utilizing the Mountain Bike Park was incredible... Well done, a huge kudos to all the volunteers involved!”
“A big shout out to the Sprockids Program! I finally succumbed to the pressures of my kids (who wanted to go to bike school!) and enrolled them midway through the program. They love it - and only after attending one night! My 4-year old’s riding enthusiasm has grown so much after her 1st lesson. She has been on her bike way more and even taking on Flow Master (although we walk the steep parts). Thanks for a great program!”