Making biking awesome in Hinton

Interested in getting involved or have some feedback to share? 


President - Hal Jackson

Vice-President - Mike Meagher

Secretary - Casey MacKay

Treasurer - Jill Cameron

Operations - Wyatt Woolsey

Director-at-Large - Glen Allen

Executive Director - Sean Gareau


Memberships - Connie Sutherland

Sprockids - Casey Hore

Winter - Mike Meagher

Communications - Kerri Jackson


The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) was formed by a few buddies that saw a need to improve mountain biking in Hinton. HMBA became a registered society in Alberta on February 22, 2007. Since our establishment, we have grown our membership to 300+ bikers! In addition, we are proud to have fulfilled several key goals:

  • Established weekly club rides.

  • Revived and repaired several popular local trails.

  • Established this website as a forum for mountain bikers locally and beyond

  • Designed the first official maps of local trails in 2008 and formalized trails with trail markers and field maps for safe navigation.

  • Built the region’s first Mountain Bike Park - Phase 1 completed on September 27th, 2008, Phase 2 completed on June 14th, 2009!

  • Achieved charitable status in January 2009.

  • Awarded the Hinton & District Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Award in 2013.


  • Continuing to build and maintain the best riding networks in the region.

  • Currently operating as a Trail Manager with the Province of Alberta.

  • Ongoing grant applications to fund maintenance and capital projects.

Our Mandate

1. To provide and maintain free access multi-purpose mountain bike trails and facilities, for use by the public.

2. To promote local mountain bike events and activities for community participation in healthy recreation.

  • ​Last revised March 2014

Our Community

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association builds and maintains an impressive area of approximately 90km of trail within multiple networks. The  success of the club is driven by its dedicated members, volunteers, generous local businesses, the Town of Hinton,  and grants awarded to the club.