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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Beavers Thwarted by Rain

Blog Posts


Beavers Thwarted by Rain

Guest User

After taking advantage of the extensive trail system around Happy Creek with their "borrowed" bike, the three beavers figured out why they kept going by that same post. Only when their bike succumbed to a flat tire and they could go no farther did they realize, that truly, they were just "Totally Lost".

So the three adventurers started moving downhill and came upon many very well crafted and engineered features that only one their own could have possibly built!

As they moved on, they were increasingly awed by the magnificent works of art and wondered to what purpose these structures were made?? Until...

The light bulb came on in their little heads and they realized...this is where they were meant to be all along!!! And a sign says that the Beaver Bike Fest is tomorrow!!! Oh happy joy! They will be reunited with their friend Yawn who've they've just misunderstood....

Giggles were heard nearby and as the beavers approached, they discovered a young HMBA member and avid puddle-jumper practicing on various petrified beaver houses.

After some introductions, the new foursome had some fun playing at the park.

But after learning that they have been thwarted by all that heavy rain, and feeling pretty glum, their new friend took them home and offered a place to stay until they figured out their next game plan....