AFD Air Bag returns to Hinton on Friday, September 12

AFD is bringing back the air bag! 

Cost is $5 and all proceeds go to the Hinton Mountain Bike Association.

  • Waivers must be signed by parents or guardians.
  • You must be 10 or older to jump.
  • Helmets are mandatory.

Location: Next to Hinton Curling Rink

Please note: there are a lot of cars parking in the field for the West Fraser Mill shut down. We have been assured that there will be an area roped off on the 12th.  Spectators and participants can park in the curling rink parking lot. Thank you to AFD, Barrow Safety, the Hinton Curling Club, and the Town for working this out!

AFD GRAVITY CUP is next weekend!!   You can still register online at or onsite Sept 12/13 before 1 pm at the AFD Petroleum Hinton Office. 

For more information visit


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