Spring Cleaning
Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)
Work Bees
With the warm spring weather quickly drying up our biking playgrounds, a few work bees have been put in motion starting this Tuesday April 12th, from 5:30pm until dusk. The work bee will continue on Wednesday and Thursday as well. So if you have some time to spare this week, come on out to the Hinton Bike Park, pick up a broom or a rake and lend a hand! There will be lots of different tasks.
No matter how small...
Tree Falling
On Tuesday, April 12, Wade Forester will be falling dangerous trees at the Hinton Bike Park. Please either avoid the Park or give a lot of distance for Wade to work. Big thanks in advance to Wade and his skilled labour volunteer hours!
Flagged tree for falling.
Photo credit: S.Pelley, HMBA facebook group. Local member contributing many volly hours on our trails!
Spring Vollies
THANKS!!! to all the volunteers who have worked hard this past week picking garbage off trails, clearing deadfall and getting the other Hinton area trails ready for riding.