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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

Blog Posts


Inventory of Directional Trail Maps

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

HMBA needs your assistance!!

Our 1ft x 1ft directional trail signs (see images below) are out of date and need to be updated/replaced.  However, we need to know how many are out there, or need to be out there - and WHERE they are.  YOU can help by participating in a member-sourced inventory.  Using your smartphones and linking to this form via your web browser (with GPS enabled), enter the info at the location of existing directional signs - or at locations where you think there should really be one! Unfortunately, we cannot put them everywhere ($$), so select the most optimal locations. THANK YOU!!

Bike Park and Happy Creek Trails are priorities at this time.

About the form

Note: please click on the 'get GPS location' button a few times until the accuracy is within 5-10m.  Thanks!!


June Dirt Jam

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

This Friday, June 19th at 7:00pm,  there will be a Dirt Jam at the Hinton Mountain Bike Park. Music. Shaped jumps. And rad riding with awesome guys and gals. Hope to see all of you out there!   Jump shaping starts at 7:00 pm and the event and music with start right after.

Important note:  The two smallest sets of jumps will be closed. This event is geared towards the big jumpers, so they don't have to worry about running the little ones over.


Alberta Junior Forest Rangers Helped With Repairs on Happy Creek Trail

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

On a Saturday, May 30th, HMBA once again welcomed the Alberta Junior Forest Rangers!  Together, we replaced a section of boardwalk on Happy Creek East. Check out the before and after photos. Thanks to Christopher Reid and the Town of Hinton for transporting lumber and supplies to the site!



JFR leaders worked with the Hinton Mountain Bike Association to learn about trail building.  To find out more about the Alberta Junior Forest Rangers, visit their website!


A hard working crew for a job well done!!!  Thank you JFRs!!


HMBA's May Sunshine

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association received several generous donations in May this year!

Big Shouts out to:

The owner of Talisman Logging who donated $1,000 to HMBA!!!

 Juventus Cycling Club in Edmonton for their donation of $500.  The Juventus Cycling Club has a Sprockids program for kids aged 8 to 11.  On May 24th, the Juventus Sprockids, teamed up with the Devon Bears cycling program, came to the Hinton Bike Park with their families for a fun-filled day at the park!

Photo source:

Photo source:

A huge thank you to RBC employees and their guests to come out for a work bee at the Hinton Bike Park.  Racking, picking up garbage, etc!   As part of the RBC Employee Grant program - their efforts led to a $1,000 donation to HMBA.  Many, many thanks!!


With the rain comes good dirt!

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Some TLC for the Jumps

On Thursday June 4th, after a day of rain, a small crew made it to the Bike Park to fix the dirt jumps (aka give them some good TLC).

It was a solid evening of work. Thanks to Lindsay, Nathan, Heather and Gavin, a youth from Hinton Sprockids and out-working most other members I might add!

Gavin showing the others how it's done!

Great results!


Notice of Navigational Re-route

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Re-route:  "Halloween Connector'' to ''Cleo's''

HMBA obtained permission for a short reroute between Halloween and Cleo's for ease of navigation between the two trails. The link is now more direct to help save confusion for riders who are new to the area. Thanks to Matt MacKay, Mike Langford and Brayden Langford!

The re-route provides a better connection between "Halloween Connector" and "Cleo's"


Hinton Sprockids - Our Next Two-wheelin' Generation!

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Highest Registration Numbers Yet!

The Hinton Sprockids program, run by the Hinton Mountain Bike Association and its member volunteers, is a BIG hit this season!  Now in it's fourth season, over 85 kids from ages 2 to 13 have signed up for the opportunity to develop and hone their mountain biking skills - doubling registration numbers from previous years.

This year will soon be known as the Great Registration Avalanche of 2015
— Tim Trahan - Hinton Sprockids Coordinator


Sprockids was originally developed in 1990 as a Self Esteem/Anger Management Program to help students succeed in school. Since then, Sprockids has evolved into a multi-faceted program engaging thousands of young people in the life long activity of mountain biking while teaching them the skills, values, and strategies to succeed in life. The program is now used in over 19 countries by teachers, coaches, cycling clubs, youth organizations, law enforcement agencies, and parents. The Sprockids Program was designed with input from; educators, national level coaches, trail builders, professional athletes, and program implementation consultants.

The Hinton Sprockids program is a fun way to develop a taste for mountain biking through various games and activities at our local Hinton Bike Park facility.  The program teaches many skills on how to mountain bike, bike maintenance,  environmental stewardship, trail safety and trail building/maintenance.

Thank you to our local business sponsors for supporting this great program!!

The Hinton Sprockids program runs on Thursday evenings in May, June and September (10 sessions in total).


All About HMBA Group Rides

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) often gets asked about its group rides.  Every summer, from sometime in May to as late as October, HMBA has two orgranized rides: one on Monday evenings (just for ladies!) and one on Wednesday evenings (everyone!).

"Do I have to be a member?"

You don't have to be a member to try out one of our group rides.   Membership provides general liability insurance for our members and gives the HMBA better access to grants to build/maintain our bike park and trail systems.  As a member, you get voting privileges at our AGM, can become part of the board as an executive or coordinator, and finally - you have access to great regional business discounts.  See our Member page for more info!

May 11, 2015 - First Ladies' Ride of the season!  Group 1 of 2.

May 20, 2015 - Wednesday Group Ride

"I'm New to Mountain Biking..."

Fantastic!!!  Our group rides welcome all abilities.  However, the HMBA has a few tips for those new to mountain biking:

  • You will get the most out of your experiences by making sure your bike fits you and is in good working condition.  There are several bike shops & bike mechanics in our region that can help you out.
  • Know your bike: modulating brakes, changing gears, correct seat height - all these are important to be comfortable with before hitting the local trails!  
  • By becoming a member, following our facebook group or page or checking the website - you will be informed of any upcoming skills clinics.
  • Practice, practice, practice!  Get out on your bike and often!  Even if it's just around the neighborhood or local town trails.  The more you ride, the more you get to improve!

May 18, 2015 - Monday Ladies, Group of 1 of 2.

May 20, 2015 - Wednesday Group Ride

"Can I Join A Group Ride Later in the Summer?"

Of course!  But it is always best to start in May, if possible.   If you haven't been riding on your own - you might find it a struggle to ride with those that have been riding since May.

"How Long do Rides last?"

Group ride times generally last 1.5 to 2 hours, with lots of breaks - depending on the group's abilities.  Hinton's trails include elevation gains, lots of singletrack, some technical sections such as roots and bridges - basically a little of everything!   Trail selections are usually determined at the beginning of the ride, but may change as the ride progresses.  Riding in a group is a great way to connect with others and get some good tips on how to tackle different challenges on our trails!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies Ride, group 1 of 3!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies, group 2 of 3.

"I Don't Know the Trails"

All the more reason to join a group ride!  To ensure everyone enjoys the groups rides, here a few general guidelines:

  • Someone will "Lead" the group and set an appropriate pace and stop for breaks in order for the whole group to catch up.  A head count is usually done at the beginning.
  • Someone will be the "Sweep" and ride behind everyone.  The sweep ensures no one gets left behind!
  • All riders should make sure the rider behind them knows which direction to go at intersections.
  • If you need to leave the group early - please let someone know!
  • Although it's easy to follow others - it helps to ask questions about the trails you are on so that you can easily find your way when you are out on your own or with others!

Happy Trails!!

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies

May 25, 2015 - Monday Ladies



Trail Side Chat With Sarah

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)


HMBA is chatting it up with some local women riders to find out why they love mountain biking in Hinton!    We hope you've enjoyed this series!   We may have other 'chats' later this summer to get to know some of the men riders as well, so stay tuned...

Meet Sarah

HMBA: How long have you been riding in Hinton?

Sarah:  I started mountain biking last year and my first ride was in May. My boyfriend took me up Happy Creek West, and actually, I hated it. What was with all the climbing!!? My tires would slip on roots, gears were hard and the climbing seemed to be soooo long! After a few rides and a couple of tips, I was starting to see the fun and I quickly got hooked!! From the last rider of the group last year, I am now a strong rider and look forward to leading some ladies rides myself this year. 


Didn't take Sarah look to be hooked on mountain biking!


HMBA: How would you describe your riding level? 

Sarah: Intermediate/Advanced

HMBA: What style of riding do you do?

Sarah:  I ride an all mountain/trail bike. 

HMBA:  What are your favorite things to ride at the bike park?

Sarah:  I like to go to the bike park a few times a month and practice my skills in the skills area and who doesn't love lapping Flow Master!!   My favorite trails at the bike park are Business Time, Cougar Ridge and Flow Master.

HMBA: Do you ride the trails in our trails systems?  What’s your favorite loop?

Sarah:  I ride all the trails in and around Hinton. I don't have a favorite loop as I always love to mix it up.   Finishing on Just Giv'er and the last part of Happy Creek West is always an awesome ending!  <big smiles>

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone new to biking – what would you say?


  1. Don't give up
  2. Go at your own pace
  3. Challenge yourself
  4. Enjoy your ride!

Sarah is always  challenging herself!

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone who bikes, but is new to Hinton – what would you say?

Sarah:  Hinton has a great trail network and a fun bike park. There is something here for every style of rider.

HMBA: How would you describe a typical Ladies’ Ride to someone who hasn’t been on one yet?  

Sarah:  Ladies rides are fun!  You will make great friends and trail side chats are a lot more interesting than biking with the guys. LOL!

HMBA: In what ways do you give back to HMBA?

Sarah:  I give back by cleaning up trails of litter whilst I am out riding and I also help plan events for HMBA (and does a great job too! - HMBA).    Stay tuned for BBF 2015!

Sarah's first event as HMBA's newest Event Coordinator!  - 2014 Halloween Ride

HMBA:  What do you wish there would be more of?  

Sarah:  I wish there were more opportunities to shuttle downhill trails in Hinton as apart of a group ride.

HMBA: Thanks Sarah!!  Anything else to add?

Sarah:  Ride Bikes = Happy Life 


Happy Creek Trail Report - May 19, 2015

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Trail Report

Several sections of boardwalk on the East side of Happy Creek are in poor condition. The longer boardwalk sections have been signed with Caution. The smaller section closer to the Town of Hinton Beaver Boardwalk is not signed. Work has taken place to improve drainage however the structures are soft and boards are missing or loose. Work will take place this week to replace the shorter section near town.   See full Happy Creek reporting on Trailforks.

Ongoing and upcoming maintenance

Lots of great trail work happening out there, trail fairies abound. Corduroy and bridge decking on slow cooker, countless trees (bighorn, slow cooker, bubbas, gassifier etc.) and debris removal on just get there/the J. Thanks for the hard work HMBA members!  FYI please note the status of Happy Creek East. Maintenance day to be announced for this week.


Trail Side Chat With Ellen

Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Trail Side Chat Series 

HMBA is chatting it up with some local women riders to find out why they love mountain biking in Hinton!  


HMBA: How long have you been riding in Hinton?

Ellen: I have been mountain biking in Hinton for close to 10 years.  

HMBA: How would you describe your riding level? (i.e. beginner, seasoned, other)

Ellen: I would say I am a low intermediate rider.

Ellen's favorite time of the year to ride.  Halloween Trail

HMBA: What style of riding do you do?

Ellen:  I ride a dual suspension mountain bike, cross country, when I am out on the back trails. When I commute to work, I ride a hard tail Schwinn that I have had for over 14 years.   

HMBA:  What are your favorite things to ride at the bike park?

Ellen:  When I ride in the bike park, usually at the end of a long ride, I like finishing off with Flow Master or Stinger.  For a club ride warm up, I love most of the trails winding their way up towards Flow Master.

HMBA: Do you ride the trails in our trails systems? (Happy Creek System, Jack’s Trails System)  If so, what would be your most favorite trail?  What’s your favorite loop?

Ellen:  I mostly head out on the back trails. For a quick ride, I will do the Happy Creek trail and end up with a couple of laps on Stinger.

For a longer ride, I usually head up to EZ, J, then Ranger or Halloween, then Cleos, Phils Thriller and home via Happy. I actually love most of the trails. Slowcooker is the trail that has challenged me the most. I have punctured my leg heading down a hill, fallen off a bridge and thought I broke my neck but discovered I had only snapped the visor off my helmet and last year, I bounced off the bridge, did a face plant and broke my nose. It's such a great trail! How did I manage all those mishaps? 

There's always fun to be had on group rides!  The "I'm exhausted from climbing" pose.

The "we are strong and can ride anything" pose.

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone new to biking – what would you say?

Ellen:  If you are new to mountain biking, I would suggest you get onto the town trails lots and practice gear shifting and make sure you get out there and get advice from experienced riders . Phillip Mark from our club offers lessons in the Spring (Phil's Mad Skills - check the website calendar!).  And when going on club rides, you can learn lots by riding behind the experienced riders. In my case, I often had advice from the "sweep".

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone who bikes, but is new to Hinton – what would you say?

Ellen: If you are new to biking in Hinton, join the Hinton mountain biking club Facebook page. Join in on the club rides and just ask to ride with people. Our mountain biking club is soooo supportive. I am speaking from the perspective of an older rider. I feel welcome!

HMBA: How would you describe a typical Ladies’ Ride to someone who hasn’t been on one yet?  

Ellen: The ladies ride! It's a good turnout and multiple skill levels.  No one is ever left behind and no one leaves the group on their own.  Safety and fun are high on the agenda and we rejoice in each others accomplishments.  There are plenty of rest breaks and always great conversations.  I made many riding friends and these same people are ones I contact to ride with me on the weekend.

I have gone on the Wednesday club rides.  It's nice to ride with the guys.  I am aware that I am not as strong as many of them and I don't feel pressured to go beyond my comfort level.  There is a bit more spandex on those nights but that's not a bad thing.  Most of the conversation centers around gear and the guys voices are deeper. LOL! 

2015 Spring cleaning

HMBA: In what ways do you give back to HMBA?

Ellen:  I volunteer with the club for some of the events. I have led a few rides and organized a few weekend trips. Now that I own a small saw, I do a bit of trail maintenance when I see something that I can fix. I hope that I am considered a good ambassador for our club.

HMBA: Thanks Ellen!  Any parting comments?

Ellen:  Hinton should be really proud of what we have to offer for mountain biking.  Any age and any skill level could have a great biking experience. The Fall is an amazing time to ride our trails. We have some great lookouts and riding close to dusk is absolutely superb.

I wish there were more fresh built trails. I love that fresh dug up path and the feeling of being on something brand new. Thanks to all you amazing trails builders!

I have always enjoyed the random events that people have organized, like night rides or weekend trips to Jasper.'s good to see there are people willing/able to guide guests from out of town around our trails. 


Edmonton family supports Hinton's backyard playground


Steve Sevcik's family travels from Edmonton every summer to play in our Bike Park and to ride our fun network of trails.  Members since 2011, they have generously donated over $2,500 over those years!  They see a lot of value in supporting the Hinton Mountain Bike Association and every dollar they donate helps to improve biking in our community!

An ENORMOUS THANK YOU to this wonderful family for their ongoing support!! 

In, 2013 funds were used towards this sign and box mounted on the seacan next to the Hinton Bike Park parking lot.


The reasons we support the HMBA!! 

We would like to thank the executives, countless volunteers, local businesses and the Town of Hinton for creating and maintaining such an awesome place to ride.  The amount of time and resources that your community has contributed to the park and trails is the real reason that the park is as good as it is. 

We love trail and gravity riding and want to try and share some of the responsibility of maintaining such a great community facility.  We donate because we want the cash resources to be a little less scarce for the HMBA when deciding on whether to add a stunt, build a berm, buy toilet paper, or just need gas for the equipment.  

We are fortunate to be only 3 hours away from such a great bike park and network of trails and we often recommend the Hinton Bike Park and trail network to anyone that we know who is looking for a new place to ride.  We can’t think of a better place than the Hinton Bike Park for someone to be introduced to the sport.  

- Steve and Lara Sevcik



Trail Side Chat With Julie


Trail Side Chat Series 

HMBA is chatting it up with some local women riders to find out why they love mountain biking in Hinton!  Every week, a different rider will share their experiences with you.  This week, we start with Julie!

Meet Julie

Ladies' Ride, Fall 2010

Ladies' Ride, Fall 2010

HMBA: How long have you been riding in Hinton?

Julie: This will be my 18th season!  When I first moved to Hinton, I didn't even own a car.  I bought a mountain bike and rode it to work all summer - a summer that had a major thunderstorm almost every second day!!

HMBA: How would you describe your riding level? (i.e. beginner, seasoned, other)

Julie: I suppose I would be a seasoned rider.  But every year I look forward to improving my current skills even more!

HMBA: What style of riding do you do?

Julie: At first it was just cross-country/trail riding.  Now, I have having fun expanding into some downhill (Gasifier) and winter biking - all because it's possible to do them all in Hinton!  Oh, and I do enjoy playing at the Bike Park!

HMBA: What are your favorite things to ride at the bike park?

Julie: I love challenging myself in the skills area.  Business Time is super fun and I am still working up to completing Fo'Shore.  Totally Lost is my favorite trail in the park.   It's my daughter's favorite too.

HMBA: Do you ride the trails in our trails systems? (Happy Creek System, Jack’s Trails System)  If so, what would be your most favorite trail?  What’s your favorite loop?

Julie: I ride all of them!!  Having biked here for so long - I've seen the multiple changes in our trail systems.  Back in the day - Happy Creek was so challenging that people did Jack's Trail System as the regular go to!  My most favorite trail... I would say Halloween in the Fall.  There is a location that is absolutely beautiful when the leaves are at their yellowest.  My favorite loop is ending at the back of (lower) Big Horn Trail and riding with speed down the powerline to finish on Flow Master - with not one pedal stroke along the way!

Getting gravity on Gasifier with Stacey

Getting gravity on Gasifier with Stacey

HMBA: Have you tried Gasifier yet?  If so, what do you think?

Julie: Yes I have.  And I can't wait to go again!  I have a downhill bike and gear - which makes it really fun.  

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone new to biking – what would you say?

Julie: If you love being outdoors - this is a great way to do it.  There are so many great trails, some with some neat viewpoints.  I always feel great after a ride and wished it never ended!

HMBA: If you had one minute to talk to someone who bikes, but is new to Hinton – what would you say?

Julie: Join the group rides!  It's the best way to meet other riders and to get to know the trails.

Muck Yeah, 2010

Muck Yeah, 2010

HMBA: How would you describe a typical Ladies’ Ride to someone who hasn’t been on one yet?  

Julie: I always look forward to Ladies' Ride.  I'm  a mom of two and it's my 'me' time.  So it's great to ride with other ladies.   There's lots of camaraderie, support and encouragement when we meet those challenges on the trails.  Lots of laughs, good biking, and even bouts of basic trail maintenance!

HMBA: In what ways do you give back to HMBA?

Julie: First, I support them by buying my annual membership!  For many years now, I have been leading the Monday Ladies' Rides and occasionally the Wednesday Group Rides.   I got certified as an IMBA instructor a few years ago, so that I can help riders enhance their skills.  Since 2011, I have been on the executive as Treasurer and now VP.  I also volunteer as a coach with Sprockids.

HMBA: Thanks Julie!  Looking forward to seeing you out on the trails!!

Julie: With a big smile on my face!!