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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

HMBA Spotlight: Mike - Director at Large / Winter Coordinator

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HMBA Spotlight: Mike - Director at Large / Winter Coordinator

Bike Hinton

Mike Langford- HMBA Director/Winter Coordinator

Mike has been on the HMBA board for three years. He moved to Hinton in 2006 from the flatlands of Saskatchewan. He’s been on a bike for a long time but really started focussing on it when he moved to Hinton. Before that he was an avid snowmobile racer! With this interest still close at heart, Mike is our Winter specialist. With this season fast approaching it’s a good thing we have him on hand! Before officially joining the board he was our ‘Winter coordinator’ for a couple years. XC and enduro are Mike’s jam but he loves to sneak away for some much loved DH riding trips. Mike sure loves competition because he enters any race he can! If you creep his Instagram you’ll see all of his winnings 👌🏻 when he’s not slaying at competitions you’ll find he is one of our most committed trail guardians. He enjoys keeping our trails in great condition so newcomers can have a good experience when they check out our trails. Mike loves to ride his bike with anyone who enjoys a good climb up and a rip down!! If you ever see a guy clearing trees on the trail...might be Mike, say hello!
