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Hinton, Alberta

Hinton Mountain Bike Association.  Our goal is to develop, maintain and promote the best possible mountain biking opportunities around the Hinton area, while ensuring responsible and safe practices in environmental conservation, trail construction, trail maintenance and riding.

HMBA Spotlight: Casey - Secretary

Blog Posts


HMBA Spotlight: Casey - Secretary


Casey MacKay- HMBA Secretary

Casey has been part of the the board for about a year and a half. She joined because of her love for biking and to have a voice for future trails and plans. Grant writing has become one of her major tasks and her hard work is paying off! Can’t wait for new trails. Casey has been living in Hinton for 6 years and started mountain biking 5 years ago. Her favourite way to get out on her bike is DH/enduro and she’s is reallllly good at it 😊. When she’s not working as an RN at the Hinton Hospital, you’ll find Casey on Flowmaster or Rock Band a lot of the time. If you’re ever feeling lonely she’ll never hesitate to include you on a ride no matter your skill level! She just loves seeing people out on bikes. However, one of her favourite people to ride with is her husband 🥰 Casey travels the world just to experience new and exciting mountain biking and her picture was taken on one of these trips. If you can ever catch her on the trail 💨 be sure to say hello!
