2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA 2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA

New Sled for HMBA

Check out this beauty....‘Tis the season of generosity!! Thanks to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. HMBA is the proud new owner of a snowmobile! We are blown away by this generous donation and can’t thank CNRL enough. Huge shout out to you guys! You can be sure Mike Langford will be enjoying a little one on one time with this bad boy and our trails!! 

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2017, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler Bike Hinton 2017, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler Bike Hinton

Get Ready for the Hinton Growler

The 1st Annual Hinton Growler Fat Bike Endurance Race is happening February 26th, 2017 during the Town of Hinton's Winter Magic Festival!   Book your calendar! The race will be held at Maxwell Lake.  More details...

Growler Race Route on Trailforks.com
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2015, Trails, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2015, Trails, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Great winter riding conditions!

The groomed winter trails continue to be in great riding condition! Get out and get active! 

Winter signage has been posted up on our winter trails.  There are even a few extra trails that have been broken-in with fat bikes to create fun alternatives until the next big snowfall!  Vigilante and Happy Creek can be included in your fun winter adventures.

Check out our Winter Trails page for more information about winter trail grooming and a winter trail map.

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2015, Events, HMBA HMBA VP 2015, Events, HMBA HMBA VP

Great Fun at the Winter Magic Fat Bike Demo Day!

The Winter Magic Fat Bike Demo Day was a great success!  Some fresh overnight snow, groomed tracks and lots of bikes to try out.  10 riders participated in a fun race - randomly paired with enthusiastic partners on a beautiful wintry day.

Thanks to HMBA's Sarah, Mike and Mike for putting time in organizing and prepping this fun event!  Thanks to Christopher Read for being a great MC! 

Thank you to the bike shops for bringing Fat Bikes to Hinton for folks to try out!!!


Thank you to local businesses that helped make it a great event!


Thanks to Sandra, Paul and Michelle for the use of these great shots!

Sarah staying in front of Colin on the final lap.

Fun Fat Bike Race Trophy - crafted by Mike Mahoney

The winning team.

Lots of people trying out fat bikes for the first time - and loving it!

Gals on Fat Bikes

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2015, Trails, HMBA HMBA VP 2015, Trails, HMBA HMBA VP

Winter Trail Pilot Project Underway

Two of our local fat bike riding enthusiasts, Mike Mahoney and Mike Langford, have teamed up on this recent Winter Trail Pilot Project.  With the support of the Hinton Mountain Bike Association and the Town of Hinton, this project will allow the grooming of some of our favorite established backyard trails!

The grooming will be done with a small snowmobile which is handy for mobility and keeping our trails narrow.  Absolutely no trail work needs to be done in order to accommodate the grooming, nor will there be any erosion or damage to the existing trails.  

The groomer is towed behind the snowmobile and it is exactly the same type of groomer that is used by nordic centres to groom for cross country skiing.  The only difference is in the width of the groomer - only 30 inches (76 cm) wide, the ideal width for non-motorized winter activities such as cross country skiing, snowshoeing, bicycling, hiking, dog walking and trail running.

Grooming is a slow process, the snowmobile runs approximately 5 kms/hr towing the groomer as it rolls and packs the trail down. Once groomed, it takes a few hours to "set up" or harden, then it is ready for use. Grooming will be done mostly at night when there is less usage, and a better chance for the snow to set-up. 

There a several benefits from this pilot project:

  • There will be no cost to the town as Mike Mahoney has volunteered his time and money for this project. The HMBA has agreed to review progress in one years time, and if the project is a success, the association will become financially active with the project.

  • A groomed winter trail will further promote healthy, "green", carbon neutral activities within our community.

  • There is a potential to draw more tourist dollars to our town.

  • The HMBA and the town of Hinton are pushing for Hinton to be a "Alberta's Mountain Bike Mecca". What better way then to make mountain biking a year-round sport?

  • Dead-fall will be removed throughout the winter thereby reducing the spring workload for the trail crews.

The area that would be groomed include a connection of several small trails in the Happy Creek zone.   Trails that will be part of the groomed loop:

  1. The J

  2. Ranger

  3. GS connector

  4. GS

  5. Halloween

  6. Phil's Thriller

  7. Bubba's

  8. Bighorn

Happy Trails!!

The J on February 7, 2015

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HMBA, Events, 2015 HMBA VP HMBA, Events, 2015 HMBA VP

Winter Magic Fat Bike Demo Day

On Saturday February 21st from 1pm Various Bike Shops from Hinton & Jasper will be at Maxwell Lake!

Come down to trial a bike, roast some marshmallows or participate in a race!

There will be a snowman competition (snow permitting) and hot chocolate for the kids :-)



Suggested parking locations off of Collinge Road:

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