2020, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA 2020, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA

Hinton Growler Results

Congratulations to all our top finishers!

Growler (3hrs) - Mens:
1st Paul Ignatiuk (Edmonton)
2nd Mike Langford (Hinton)
3rd Matt MacKay (Hinton)

Growler (3hrs) - Ladies:
1st Whitney Wild (Grande Prairie)
2nd Suzanne Stevenson (Hinton)
3rd Casey MacKay (Hinton)

Howler (1.5hrs) - Mens:
1st Kevin Myles (Hinton)
2nd Terry Hanas (Whitecourt)
3rd Adrien Murphy (Cold Lake)

Howler (1.5 hrs) - Ladies:
1st Melanie Dreyer (Hinton)
2nd Marie-Soleil Pinet (Hinton)

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2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA 2019, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Trails HMBA

New Sled for HMBA

Check out this beauty....‘Tis the season of generosity!! Thanks to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. HMBA is the proud new owner of a snowmobile! We are blown away by this generous donation and can’t thank CNRL enough. Huge shout out to you guys! You can be sure Mike Langford will be enjoying a little one on one time with this bad boy and our trails!! 

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2019, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA Bike Hinton 2019, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA Bike Hinton

Thank You to our 2019 Hinton Growler Sponsors

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association would like to send a big THANK YOU to all our sponsors and supporters of the 2019 Hinton Growler:

AFD Petroleum Ltd: $750 to help cover the costs of event insurance, timing, and awards
Vicious Cycle Hinton (Jasper/Hinton): Provided on-site support, demos, and donated prizes
Morad Communications Ltd. (Hinton): donated the use of 10 two-way radios
Maximum Work Gear (Hinton): donated hand and toe warmers for our volunteers
Town of Hinton: Allowing the event to be part of the Hinton Winter Magic and the use of three event tents.
Folding Mountain Brewing (Hinton): provided coffee and hot chocolate
Hinton Wealth Planning of Assante Financial Management Ltd. (Hinton): $100 to cover cost of discounted subs from Subway, all the snacks, and various event supplies
Bike Boy (Hinton): prize donations
The Bench Bike Shop (Jasper): prize donations
Jasper Source For Sports: prize donations
Riderz (Edson): prize donations
Sports Experts - Hinton, AB: prize donations
Wooden You Love (Edson): prize donations
Helmig Fire & Safety Equipment Sign Shop (Hinton): donated stickers (from 2018)
HMBA: jerseys for prizes
Volunteers: for their time and cheering!
Mike Langford: for his excellent grooming and course prep!

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Trails, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Events, 2019 Bike Hinton Trails, HMBA, Hinton Growler, Events, 2019 Bike Hinton

Trails Groomed for the Hinton Growler

Mike has been grooming after the past two days of snow, Growler course is packed and setting up nicely for next weekend's race. Race route has changed this yearr to incorporate 95% of the Hinton Bike Park, it’s fast n fun, I guarantee no hike a bike for the race! Get out & ride it! Also groomed just get there, Cleos, & Happy west.
Regular mountain bikes and hikers please avoid the Hinton Growler groomed trails, this will help us preserve the race course for race day.
Thank You

Winter Grooming 2019.jpg
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2018, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA 2018, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA

Awesome support for the Hinton Growler!

THANK YOU to all these amazing sponsors for the Hinton Growler Fat Bike Endurance Race.  They have provided cash contributions, prizes, products and services to help make our event the best it can be!

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2018, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler HMBA 2018, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler HMBA

Hinton Growler Still Looking for Volunteers

The HMBA is still looking for volunteers for the Hinton Growler 2018 - Fat Bike Endurance Race. Each volunteer gets a an awesome beanie (thank you Dig That Stitch for great discounts!), a Hinton Growler sticker, heat pads for hands (thank you Intersport in Hinton), heat pads for toes (thank you Maximum Work Gear), fed with a sub from Hinton's own Subway Restaurant AND a chance to win a $100 gift card donated by MR MIKES SteakhouseCasual Hinton ! Follow this link to sign-up:http://signup.com/go/OQAThVH Pssst! We really need to fill up our course marshal spots!

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