Hinton Growler Still Looking for Volunteers

The HMBA is still looking for volunteers for the Hinton Growler 2018 - Fat Bike Endurance Race. Each volunteer gets a an awesome beanie (thank you Dig That Stitch for great discounts!), a Hinton Growler sticker, heat pads for hands (thank you Intersport in Hinton), heat pads for toes (thank you Maximum Work Gear), fed with a sub from Hinton's own Subway Restaurant AND a chance to win a $100 gift card donated by MR MIKES SteakhouseCasual Hinton ! Follow this link to sign-up:http://signup.com/go/OQAThVH Pssst! We really need to fill up our course marshal spots!


HMBA Receives Donation from Edmonton Juventus Cycling Club


Shred Sisters Weekend Workshop Set for July 28th & 29th, 2018