Trail Guardian Appreciation
HMBA President Jay Hore presented a Trail Guardian Appreciation gift to Glen Allen. Glen is often out clearing our trails, helping to keep them in great shape year round!
Thanks Glen!!
#bikehinton #hmbatrailguardians
Volunteers Rock!
A HUGE shout out to our 30, yes THIRTY, volunteers who signed up to help the Hinton Growler 2018 - Fat Bike Endurance Race. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! If you are racing in this event, be sure to thank the volunteers! They'll be sporting neon green beanies this year - you can't miss 'em!
Hinton Growler Still Looking for Volunteers
The HMBA is still looking for volunteers for the Hinton Growler 2018 - Fat Bike Endurance Race. Each volunteer gets a an awesome beanie (thank you Dig That Stitch for great discounts!), a Hinton Growler sticker, heat pads for hands (thank you Intersport in Hinton), heat pads for toes (thank you Maximum Work Gear), fed with a sub from Hinton's own Subway Restaurant AND a chance to win a $100 gift card donated by MR MIKES SteakhouseCasual Hinton ! Follow this link to sign-up: Pssst! We really need to fill up our course marshal spots!
SCiP Volunteer Opportunity!
The Hinton Mountain Bike Association is seeking a post-secondary student studying in Alberta to volunteer as an intern via the SCiP program ( This is ideal for someone with course work in:
- Social Sciences
- Marketing
- Tourism and Hospitality
When the volunteer internship is successfully completed, the student receives a $1000 award. And HMBA benefits from their volunteer work!
Check out our posting:…/1970-survey-analyst-intern
Spring Cleaning
Work Bees
With the warm spring weather quickly drying up our biking playgrounds, a few work bees have been put in motion starting this Tuesday April 12th, from 5:30pm until dusk. The work bee will continue on Wednesday and Thursday as well. So if you have some time to spare this week, come on out to the Hinton Bike Park, pick up a broom or a rake and lend a hand! There will be lots of different tasks.
No matter how small...
Tree Falling
On Tuesday, April 12, Wade Forester will be falling dangerous trees at the Hinton Bike Park. Please either avoid the Park or give a lot of distance for Wade to work. Big thanks in advance to Wade and his skilled labour volunteer hours!
Flagged tree for falling.
Photo credit: S.Pelley, HMBA facebook group. Local member contributing many volly hours on our trails!
Spring Vollies
THANKS!!! to all the volunteers who have worked hard this past week picking garbage off trails, clearing deadfall and getting the other Hinton area trails ready for riding.
Volunteer Call!
Volunteer Call! HMBA is looking for someone to help with a Hinton Bike Park mini-project. We need to have a cement pad installed near the seacan in the spring (roughly 3'x3' to 4'x8') and would like someone with good concrete know-how to help manage this small project. Any takers??
Email us at info AT for more details!
HMBA Looking To Recruit a Recruiter
Do you love mountain biking in Hinton? Do you enjoy connecting with lots of people? Are you good at motivating others to join you on some fun rides and adventures? Do you like to keep track of all your trail riding kilometers so that you can create fun graphs and profiles? Do you often wonder how you can donate a liitle bit of time to support your awesome bike club?
Well...HMBA is recruiting a Recruiter and if you answered yes to most or all of these questions - you have the right set of skills and would be a great asset to HMBA as the BBF Volunteer Coordinator. Waddaya Say? (Psst! The answer is: sure! I can help out!)
Contact us at!