2019, Hinton Bike Park, Sprockids, HMBA HMBA 2019, Hinton Bike Park, Sprockids, HMBA HMBA

Call for volunteers

Hinton Bike Park Deadfall Cleanup

Over the past winter, a lot of deadfall was cut along Jodoin’s Journey and the Pembina Sprockids Trail at the Hinton Bike Park last winter. We are looking for volunteers to help carry out the cut and stacked deadfall.

Date and times: Friday May 24th at 10:00am or Saturday May 25th at 10:00am.

If a minimum of 3 volunteers are available for one or both of those days, the work should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

If you are available to help out, please contact Bill or Maureen at 780-865-3346 so they have an idea of how many to expect. 

Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear :) Bring work gloves if you have them!

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2018, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler HMBA 2018, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler HMBA

Hinton Growler Still Looking for Volunteers

The HMBA is still looking for volunteers for the Hinton Growler 2018 - Fat Bike Endurance Race. Each volunteer gets a an awesome beanie (thank you Dig That Stitch for great discounts!), a Hinton Growler sticker, heat pads for hands (thank you Intersport in Hinton), heat pads for toes (thank you Maximum Work Gear), fed with a sub from Hinton's own Subway Restaurant AND a chance to win a $100 gift card donated by MR MIKES SteakhouseCasual Hinton ! Follow this link to sign-up:http://signup.com/go/OQAThVH Pssst! We really need to fill up our course marshal spots!

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2018, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton 2018, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton

SCiP Volunteer Opportunity!

The Hinton Mountain Bike Association is seeking a post-secondary student studying in Alberta to volunteer as an intern via the SCiP program (www.joinscip.ca). This is ideal for someone with course work in:

  • Social Sciences
  • Marketing
  • Tourism and Hospitality

When the volunteer internship is successfully completed, the student receives a $1000 award. And HMBA benefits from their volunteer work!

Check out our posting:


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2017, HMBA, Trails Bike Hinton 2017, HMBA, Trails Bike Hinton

Rock Band: A new ending to a great ride

Rock Band was a trail added to the Happy Creek Trail system in Spring of 2016 in the form of a short but sweet 0.6 km technical downhill trail option (Difficulty rating: Advanced (black)).   Read about the initial build here.  The last 70m of this trail went through a low-lying area and the above-average accumulation of rain in the Summer of 2016 made it clear that we needed to find a solution for this wet section, dubbed "Shrek's Swamp".  

In the Spring of 2017, the Hinton Mountain Bike Association applied for the Hinton Community Grant and was awarded $2,035 to build a boardwalk for Rock Band.

Thanks to the contributions of many volunteers in the past few months, the donation of lumber from West Fraser Mills Ltd., and the Hinton Community Grant, a long, winding technical feature was added to Rock Band's song.

There is still a short section to complete to make it perfect, but it's definitely good to Rock'ON as is.  Many thanks to all the awesome volunteers who made this happen - over 75 hours of volunteer time was put into this project!

Lumber donated from West Fraser Mills Ltd.

Lumber donated from West Fraser Mills Ltd.


Thank you West Fraser Mills Ltd, Hinton Divison and the Town of Hinton for your contributions and support!

Town Logo 2010 high res use only for large printing.jpg
First step: cutting all the slats

First step: cutting all the slats

Overall, almost 400 slats needed to be cut

Overall, almost 400 slats needed to be cut

Putting the Rokon + trail to good use!

Putting the Rokon + trail to good use!

Some added excitement for the day!  Luckily, no one or thing got hurt in this kerfuffle.

Some added excitement for the day!  Luckily, no one or thing got hurt in this kerfuffle.

Other modes of transportation.  And yes, this mode had it's own kurfuffles!

Other modes of transportation.  And yes, this mode had it's own kurfuffles!

Good way to build up those riding arms!

Good way to build up those riding arms!

Workin' on the line

Workin' on the line

View from the exit

View from the exit

View from the entry point

View from the entry point

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2017, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA Bike Hinton 2017, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA Bike Hinton

Maintenance Night at the Bike Park

Maintenance night at the Bike Park was a big success! A total of 16 volunteers came out: 5 were RBC staff and 3 were under 12! :)  THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! - YOU ROCK!!!

Big thanks to the Hoots Inc. crew for all their assistance and direction! A lot got accomplished!

And a really BIG Thank You to the RBC Staff for selecting to support the HMBA again this year. Because they volunteered their personal time, RBC will now donate $1,000 to the HMBA.

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2017, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler Bike Hinton 2017, Events, HMBA, Hinton Growler Bike Hinton

Get Ready for the Hinton Growler

The 1st Annual Hinton Growler Fat Bike Endurance Race is happening February 26th, 2017 during the Town of Hinton's Winter Magic Festival!   Book your calendar! The race will be held at Maxwell Lake.  More details...

Growler Race Route on Trailforks.com
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2016, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton 2016, HMBA, Hinton Bike Park Bike Hinton

Hinton RBC Branch Staff Volunteers at the Bike Park

Six staff members from Hinton's RBC Branch came out on June 8th to volunteer their time.  They came with smiles and ready to work - it was so great to have such wonderful volunteers!  A lot of work got done, despite the dark clouds looming on two sides of the town.  Unfortunately, after an hour, the first lightning was seen in the sky, and was soon followed by more.  These ladies quickly finished up what they were doing, and got out of the park in the nick of time!  The skies opened with heavy rain, more lightning and nearby thunder.  It was quite the storm!

The RBC staff volunteer their time to local groups such as HMBA and in return, their employer grants $1,000 towards that same group.  HMBA has been a recipient of this generous "double" donation in the past and we want to thank these wonderful volunteers for their time and for choosing our association as a worthy group to support!

The old maps on the main kiosk were taken down and the wood given a fresh coat of varnish.   Unfortunately, because of the incoming lightning storm, there was no time to place the new maps!  10 more minutes was all we needed!

These ladies glued our new signs to plywood.  Thanks so much for the help!

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2016, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA, Trails Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2016, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA, Trails Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Spring Cleaning

Work Bees

With the warm spring weather quickly drying up our biking playgrounds, a few work bees have been put in motion starting this Tuesday April 12th, from 5:30pm until dusk.  The work bee will continue on Wednesday and Thursday as well.   So if you have some time to spare this week, come on out to the Hinton Bike Park, pick up a broom or a rake and lend a hand!  There will be lots of different tasks.


No matter how small...


Tree Falling

On Tuesday, April 12, Wade Forester will be falling dangerous trees at the Hinton Bike Park. Please either avoid the Park or give a lot of distance for Wade to work. Big thanks in advance to Wade and his skilled labour volunteer hours!

Flagged tree for falling.

Photo credit: S.Pelley, HMBA facebook group.   Local member contributing many volly hours on our trails!

Spring Vollies

THANKS!!! to all the volunteers who have worked hard this past week picking garbage off trails, clearing deadfall and getting the other Hinton area trails ready for riding.

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2015, Events, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2015, Events, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Summer Day Camp Will Visit the Bike Park

Each year, the Town of Hinton's Summer Day Camp visits the Hinton Bike Park. Each year, we ask any available members to come out and be a Bike God or Goddess for a day and share their passion for biking.

This year, its on Friday, July 24th. Discovery Camp will be there all day, so feel free to stop in at any time. The Camp will be on trails, jumps, skills area, and pump tracks. The Camp appreciates anyone who is willing to share their passion, knowledge, and skills. 

Our reward will be a $250 honorarium to HMBA, which will go towards something awesome, as always. 

It would be great to see some of our teen riders out, sharing their knowledge and passion for biking with the younger ones.

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2015, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA, Trails Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) 2015, Hinton Bike Park, HMBA, Trails Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

Inventory of Directional Trail Maps

HMBA needs your assistance!!

Our 1ft x 1ft directional trail signs (see images below) are out of date and need to be updated/replaced.  However, we need to know how many are out there, or need to be out there - and WHERE they are.  YOU can help by participating in a member-sourced inventory.  Using your smartphones and linking to this form via your web browser (with GPS enabled), enter the info at the location of existing directional signs - or at locations where you think there should really be one! Unfortunately, we cannot put them everywhere ($$), so select the most optimal locations. THANK YOU!!

Bike Park and Happy Creek Trails are priorities at this time.

About the form

Note: please click on the 'get GPS location' button a few times until the accuracy is within 5-10m.  Thanks!!

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Hinton Bike Park, 2015, Sprockids Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA) Hinton Bike Park, 2015, Sprockids Hinton Mountain Bike Assocation (HMBA)

With the rain comes good dirt!

Some TLC for the Jumps

On Thursday June 4th, after a day of rain, a small crew made it to the Bike Park to fix the dirt jumps (aka give them some good TLC).

It was a solid evening of work. Thanks to Lindsay, Nathan, Heather and Gavin, a youth from Hinton Sprockids and out-working most other members I might add!

Gavin showing the others how it's done!

Great results!

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2014, Hinton Bike Park, Trails, HMBA HMBA VP 2014, Hinton Bike Park, Trails, HMBA HMBA VP

HMBA Trail Maintenance Update

Latest updates

  • Hoots Inc. have landed! Look for them at the Bike Park over the coming weeks.
  • Junior Forest Rangers (JFR's) are braving the Heavy Rain Warning today and tomorrow continuing work out at the "GS Extension" !


Upcoming Trail Maintenance / Ride 

When:  Saturday July 26, 2014 at 12:30 (weather pending)
Where: Meet at the seacan at the Bike Park, pack tools (provided) and ride out!

Please bring water/snacks, appropriate clothing and safety equipment (gloves/glasses etc.)

PS. did you know that trail volunteers are entered into a sweet year-end prize draw?

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