2020, Events, HMBA HMBA 2020, Events, HMBA HMBA

AGM Set For April 2, 2020

Come on out to HMBA’s AGM! You can purchase your 2020 membership and hear all about what’s been going on this past year at HMBA. The Old Grind is our gracious host this year! Be sure to bring your questions and comments. We’re looking forward to this event!

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2020, HMBA, Trails HMBA 2020, HMBA, Trails HMBA

Bighorn Ridge Community Engagement

It was a productive evening at Ranchers Sports Bar and Grill last evening! HMBA hosted a community engagement session to hear members thoughts on the Bighorn Ridge Project. Matt Hadley from McElhanney is a trail technologist chosen by HMBA to oversee the master plan of this project. Matt and his wife Catherine drove all the way from Canmore to hear HMBA members hopes for the trails on Bighorn Ridge. We’re really excited about this partnership! Thanks to Ranchers for hosting this event. You can learn more about Matt here.

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2020, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA 2020, Events, Hinton Growler, HMBA HMBA

Hinton Growler Results

Congratulations to all our top finishers!

Growler (3hrs) - Mens:
1st Paul Ignatiuk (Edmonton)
2nd Mike Langford (Hinton)
3rd Matt MacKay (Hinton)

Growler (3hrs) - Ladies:
1st Whitney Wild (Grande Prairie)
2nd Suzanne Stevenson (Hinton)
3rd Casey MacKay (Hinton)

Howler (1.5hrs) - Mens:
1st Kevin Myles (Hinton)
2nd Terry Hanas (Whitecourt)
3rd Adrien Murphy (Cold Lake)

Howler (1.5 hrs) - Ladies:
1st Melanie Dreyer (Hinton)
2nd Marie-Soleil Pinet (Hinton)

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